01 November 2006

school is cool

today jackson (and annie) had their scarecrow festival at school. it was really cool - an obstacle course, pumpkin painting, face painting, a clown, a zip line, live animals, and much much more. jackson had fun just running around on the soccer field. we might have been the rebels of his class (along with his friend colin) because we were only supposed to be out there for 45 minutes and we had fun too much fun to go in at 45 minutes. mom gets in trouble alot at school - forgeting his take home folder, entering through the exit door and let's not get started on being late. maybe jackson will whip me in shape someday. it's actually no big deal - being late to mother's day out - so he might miss out on the secret to the SATs.

annie and her cute friend parker in the buggy...
this is king - one of jackson's best buds from school....

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