28 November 2006

new & old friends

my best friend from high school & forever, lorraine, came over today to visit and meet jackson and annie. even though we haven't seen each other in over 2 years we still remain the best of friends. it's as if we haven't missed a day. we had so much fun with lots of laughs and at the end i think jackson has a new crush - paige. paige is so cute.

27 November 2006


annie likes to clap. i can't get a good picture of her clapping but she looked so cute this morning in this dress that i took a picture anyways. we're just waiting for her to crawl. she's seems to be taking it easy & she's not in any rush to crawl. i don't mind it - i sit her down in the living room and she stays in one spot and i don't worry. but the worrisome days are approaching, i know it.

25 November 2006


we caught jackson in the act...looks like he was running from doing something mischievous....which is probably exactly what he was doing.

this is a great age because he's so honest - even when he does something wrong. he'll tell you. such as, "mommy, i pushed annie over. i'm sorry."

but then sometimes he doesn't tell the truth. one time he was taking a bath and his hiney turned red because the water was warm. mimi asked him why his hiney was red and he said, "mommy spanked me because i was getting out of bed." which probably did happen...maybe 2 months ago. he also told me that mimi didn't feed him one day and he was hungry.

amigo de pancho

when we visit holden at texadelphia jackson becomes well known throughout the store for his help. if you drop something...have no fear, jackson will find it!
i think we deserve to eat for free - nice entitlement attitude.

24 November 2006

gig 'em aggies!

as everyone that lives in texas knows that the aggies won 12-7. i won't dig any further into the excitement of the game as i'm sure everyone has seen and heard enough about the aggies' win.

but, this is one rare picture - check out holden's shirt (he's a longhorn). holden is always up to something funny and makes us laugh all the time. holden was the one who taught jackson how to "whoop"...maybe now he can teach him how to poop (on the potty...it rhymed).

23 November 2006

thanksgiving - part three

part three - the crowes house. our second big meal of the day and it was so yummy. we had fun playing with jackson's train table, setting up a laptop and relaxing. we tried for the third time to take a family picture of the 4 of us - impossible!

22 November 2006

thanksgiving, part one

we went to the taste of texas...yummy... for our first thanksgiving celebration of 2006 on wednesday with cookie. it was a great start to our thanksgiving weekend. we are so thankful that we have all our family living so close to us. it's very special to us to see our family as often as we do.
we realized that a christmas picture is going to be hard to come by this year with a very active 2 year old and a squirmy 9 month old. we'll be lucky to get a christmas card picture with both kiddos looking at the camera. now we know why christmas pictures sometime only have the kids in them. most likely we won't be in our picture this year. but, we look the same and everyone really wants to just see the kids.

unlce will (or uncle pootz) had the special touch to keep annie happy and occupied for a long time at dinner, cookie and jackson bought some good looking feet and hands - jackson wanted to keep "shopping" he thought it was so much fun. holden & will had fun with jackson playing football and play sleeping. they are the best uncles ever!

here's a fun story...when we pulled up to the taste of texas jackson said, "remember when we were here last time in daddy's car and aunt robin was here." that is exactly right...last time we were there was for my 30th bday with my family. we were impressed. then he crawled underneath someone else's table and wouldn't come out. we were not impressed.

cookie taught him who was born on Christmas. 2 days later he told me santa claus was born on Christmas. sounds like we have some work to do.

my cookie teaches etiquette classes

but i haven't taken it yet. hopefully i won't fall into the footsteps of my dad and uncles...they got kicked out of "eticool" class.

17 November 2006

i used to eat glue...

today in the car i heard a new sentence, "i eat boogers." oh no...jackson is that kid who eats things. this is on the heels of a week where he picks his nose and is grossed out and screams for a napkin to get them off of his fingers. how quickly does his opinion change to "this might be good to eat". i'm blaming it on someone at school. maybe i'll sneak a peek into his room to see who started this new grossness.

i did sneak a peek in jackson's class today and it was snack time. it was time to pray and they teach them to fold their hands...but jackson closed his eyes and bowed his head to pray. which far outweighs the grossness of eatting boogers. i was one happy mom.

then we were doing some crafts today for school - making this "me" project. we decided to glue buttons all over this little cut-out guy. i caught jackson eatting bits of glue off of his hands. ick. so we've had a long talk about how it's bad manners to eat boogers and glue.

but it reminds me of one of my best college friends, brandon (and of course by proxy, bryan). brandon was in a band in college that had a song that started off "I used to eat glue..." maybe i can upload it...we'll see. if so, it's a fun and funny song to listen to. hopefully the song doesn't map out jackson's tendencies.

if he continues, i might have to pull the police card: jackson is afraid of the police. if i turn right on a red light he starts to worry that the policemen are coming to find us. sometimes this is the only way i get him to do something - it comes right after the comment, "do you want a spanking?". when he answers "yes" to this comment, that's when we mention the police. creative? probably not...grabbing for something to use to discipline my child - sadly, yes.

16 November 2006

left brain vs right brain OR man vs woman?

same amount of dishes...guess who loaded and then who reloaded...tee hee.

hopefully our children will be a good balance of each of us.

01 November 2006

school is cool

today jackson (and annie) had their scarecrow festival at school. it was really cool - an obstacle course, pumpkin painting, face painting, a clown, a zip line, live animals, and much much more. jackson had fun just running around on the soccer field. we might have been the rebels of his class (along with his friend colin) because we were only supposed to be out there for 45 minutes and we had fun too much fun to go in at 45 minutes. mom gets in trouble alot at school - forgeting his take home folder, entering through the exit door and let's not get started on being late. maybe jackson will whip me in shape someday. it's actually no big deal - being late to mother's day out - so he might miss out on the secret to the SATs.

annie and her cute friend parker in the buggy...
this is king - one of jackson's best buds from school....