29 May 2007

perfect timing

two sprites, two hotdogs a big tub of popcorn. jack was holding all of this and jackson and jack were walking to our friday seats when jackson announces, "i have to pee pee!!!". so who knows what happened but things just happen when you get in these situations.

jackson had fun at the game. he doesn't like to sit for very long to watch the game so he had fun socializing with all of our baseball neighbors. somehow he got ahold of a soft baseball and had fun throwing that around the stands. luckily everyone around us thought he was cute and not annoying. people who don't think jackson is cute frequent central market. we make enemies every time we go to central market to eat lunch. it's become quite amusing.

hilary - an avid fan - told jackson to show his support of the stros with "thumbs up"

we were rescued by bret from the cheap seats and we joined pwc people on the first level, first base line. jackson enjoyed walking there because reese's mommy (as jackson calls hilary) grabbed his other hand let him swing. one day she'll understand the obligations that go along with holding both of reese's hand.

25 May 2007

our family is growing....

i get a "sister"! being an only child i could not ask for better brothers in my brother-in-laws! i could not have hand picked better "brothers". they are the coolest uncles to jackson and annie and it's an understatement that they are so fun to be around.

but now...we get to have the best sister-in-law and aunt we could have asked for - will and emily got engaged last night! waa-hooo!! we could not be more happy! we've been praying hard that this would be "the one" for uncle pootz (for over 2 years) and a big congrats to them both! we are super excited!

24 May 2007


i have misplaced my camera. i'm pretty sad because it's the only camera easy to carry around. and it has these oh-so-cute pictures of the sims, boone and perry kiddos all on a bench. i think i'm more upset about the picture i potentially have lost rather than the camera. i refuse to think it's completely lost so it's just potentially lost.

our other cameras are the size of a newborn baby and that's just too much to handle right now. hopefully it'll show up soon.

with no mother's day out these next two weeks i find it hard to have the time to look for something. it sounds crazy but it's true...that's why people have uber-organized homes. one day we might enter into the uber category.

13 May 2007

Jack sings "Jesus Loves Me"

Listen to jackson's creative lyrics...Yes daddy too sings and dances alot when he's at home with the family. I think that is where Jackson gets his talent.
; jack

06 May 2007

Jackson celebrates Cinco de Mayo

Thanks to Aunt Emily, we captured Jackson singing with his guitar. Listen closely to the lyrics!
